Thursday, 16 October 2014

Topshop Sale.

I absolutely love finding bargains especially in the topshop sale!

I went into Topshop to find two pairs of white jeans and a white skirt for £5 each!! It came to £13.50 all together with my student discount! 

The first pair of jeans I got were some white Jamie jeans. They usually cost £40 and I got them for £5.

The quality is amazing they are really thick with them being the Jamie jeans. I know that this colour will come back in next summer. I know that I wont wear them this A/W but I can save them for next S/S.

The final pair of jeans I got were plain white Leigh jeans. I also got these for £5 and usually retail at £40.

If I am honest if I was paying the full £40 I would buy the Jamie jeans as they are a thicker jean. But if you prefer leggings I would recommend the Leighs because of their thin like legging like material.

The final thing I got was this beautiful midi skirt. This usually retails at £48 and I got it for £5.

The skirt is made from a beautiful thick fabric and because of the diamond pattern it doesn't look to plain. I wouldn't wear this on a daily basis but for nights out or for meals out it would look perfect.

I absolutely love the things I got from the sale. You find some real gems. If you are prepared to look through all the rails you could find yourself a right bargain. So head on down to your local topshop or the online store.

Alice x


Topshop UK:

Topshop USA:

Topshop white Jamie jeans:

Topshop white Leigh jeans:

Topshop white diamond midi skirt: (It is comes up at £15)

* Disclaimer these photos are not mine due to my camera not working. So I am unable to take photos for this blog.

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