Thursday, 22 October 2015

Adult Colouring Books

I started to see these in shops like Whsmith and cost around £10 which is ridiculous but when I heard that they have started to sell them in Poundland I was trying  to get my hand on some. I have been looking for over a month checking my local stores and the other week I found them finally. So I picked these two up.

I love these and it is supposed to relive stress which I think that it does. I really like colouring in and the patterns are beautiful. The quality of the paper is amazing and don't know how they make the profit.

Here is one that I have coloured in and use colouring pencils from Whsmith.

So if you wanted to get your hands on these and don't want to pay the high price tag go down to your local Poundland and see if they have them as I think these will sell out quickly

I hope you enjoyed this post. I post every Monday,Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 am GMT. I also link my social Media's down below and my YouTube channel if you would like to check them out and hope you continue to follow my blog. Thanks Alice x

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