Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Garnier Pure Active Anti Blemish Moisturizer.

When i had seen this in Anna Saccone video, as she is having outbreaks of spots, which i do and is so annoying, she featured some expensive products but some were affordable like this one.So i went to Asda and it was on offer from £8.99 to £3 which is less than half price. 

This moisturizer is more of a blue gel and the texture is weird but it works really well,if you have open spots it does sting a little, but goes down after one minute, but this shows that it does work. I put this on last night with alot of open spots as i cant help but squeeze them which is naughty but they have reduce/gone which is really good as if i was to use other products they wouldn't go after the first application. The smell is quite like bacterial which is a good sign but could put some people off if it is too harsh for the skin. This is great for at night or under makeup as it is a gel texture it sticks to the foundation (if that makes any sense.) Overall this is a great moisturizer to tackle spots and is a great price if you can get it on offer like i did.

I hope you enjoyed this post, i have been uploading videos on my youtube channel and hopefully there will be one a week on there, so please go and check it out and subscribe as it is free! My social medias as always are linked below, 

Thanks Alice x



Link to the Moisturizer:

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